What are you doing this weekend? We have several parties to go to, which is unusual for us, but I’m excited about it. But the celebration I’m most excited about is John’s birthday! Happy Birthday babe
One of my favorite things to do on a weekend day is to jump in the car with our dog and head out with no plans. Sometimes we drive hours and hours and sometimes we just end up down the street. I love this quote by Mark Twain that reminds me that no time is like the present to explore. Humm, hopefully we can do this soon.
Photo via girlinthefog
Pouty Lip Desk Selfie
My hair has a life of it’s own. It’s super curly and colored and has always been a struggle. With the addition of grey in my 20′s, it’s taken me awhile with the coloring to get it into manageable shape, thanks in large part to my stylist. Over the years I’ve found some great products that have helped me keep my hair from taking over. Here are a few of my favorites-
If you ever wondered what heaven would smell like, this is it. I often put this into my hair when it doesn’t need it just to have my hair smell this good. It cuts the frizz and smoothes it out, but conditions it at the same time.
This thing is awesome. The bristles hold my hair well to allow me to straighten it while drying it fast and even puts a little curl into it at the same time. The best part is I can hold my hair with one hand and use the dryer with another, which make sit so much easier than a brush and dryer. I also love how light it is, which make it great to bring to the gym or on trips.
This is great for finishing off my hair when it’s dried. It is comfortable to hold and gives it a good curl. I like to roll up the top part of my hair in it and put a blast of heat on it and then leave it there while I finish getting dressed.
What are some of your favorite hair products or tools?
Recently I stumbled on a documentary called “the happy movie.” It was really fascinating.
Pinterest is my secret addiction. I have boards and boards of ideas for anything I might want to do in the future. Kitchen remodel, check! Summer wine country outfit, check! Places to travel, check, check!
I thought I’d share one of my favorite Pinterest boards, Pink Accents. I never would have thought of having pink in my home decor. Not only would my boyfriend raise his eyebrows, but I would worry it would look childish. These examples proved me wrong. A pink accent or two can make a room look modern. Especially in a room of neutrals, a pop of pink makes the room so much warmer. It can also balance out a more masculine room. I’m especially loving the pink turkish rugs, WANT!
I have a fairly simple style. White t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, boots with some simple accessories is my go-to look. What girl doesn’t like a pretty little thing to put together an outfit?
I typically wear this necklace my boyfriend gave me. He surprised me at the airport right before I left on a two week trip to Thailand last year and I’ve worn it ever since. That’s why I like simple jewelry, it holds memories of where you got it, or who gave it to you that you get to remember each time you wear it.
Diamonds by the Yard Three Diamond Necklace
Here are a few other pieces that I would love to add to my jewelry box…
All of the fog that we get during the summer makes me crave some color. It can get really depressing and the only fog remedy aside from getting out of town is to brighten up your life with color! I try to make my home have some color inside instead of neutrals. Here is some inspiration and where where my mind has been wandering the past few days.
Yesterday I had a crabby day. I woke up that way and it pretty much stuck with me all day. I hate those days where I want to be happy, yet I’m moody.
I remembered this article I read awhile ago in Huffington Post called, Loving Kindness Meditation and Change about the power of meditation to not only make you feel happier, but make actual physical changes to your body. The idea is by practicing this type of Loving Kind meditation, you reduce the “stress response” and can actually impact body’s inflammatory and neuroendocrine system.
I especially love this, “Look for the good in yourself—not as a way to deny your difficulties or problems but as a way to broaden your outlook so it’s more truthful and balanced. Looking for the good in ourselves helps us see the good in others.” from the Kripalu Blog, Thrive.
I’m going to check it out.
Photo Credit: girlinthefog
Getting away for a few days has made me want to plan a few more trips. My idea is that I’ll take a small trip in the fall for a week and then a larger trip for my 40th birthday for two weeks.
While I’m pretty sure the small trip will be to Mexico, since it’s easy and affordable. I’ve been dying to go to Tulum, north of Cancun. Looking at these photos makes me want to warm up and relax!
For the big trip, I’m having a little harder time deciding where to go. My vision is to be someplace warm and tropical. Somewhere exotic, special but not considered “hard” travel. I’ve only been to one place, Thailand, on the list below. While I want to go somewhere new, the draw of going somewhere I know is amazing makes me want to head back there. Plus, I was by myself while there, so I’d love to go with people.
The idea in my head is to travel for two weeks. On my birthday be with the people I love, in the most beautiful location, in a bikini. I’d love to open the trip up to my friends and family to join us, but not be together the whole time, making a little time for the two of us.
When I travel, I like to have a few days that are just for relaxing, a few days where I explore and learn about where I’m at, and a day or two with some activity. My boyfriend on the other hand can’t sit still very long, so he will want to be doing things all the time. So, I’m taking into consideration these things when I travel.
Here is the list so far. Any advice would be great!
Whitsunday Islands, Australia
Formentera, Spain
Seychelles Islands
Koh Phangan, Thailand
Image Credits: Tulum, Bali, Puerto Rico, Australia, Spain, Seychelles, Koh Phangan
We had planned on staying home for the long weekend and enjoy the city when it’s quiet and watch the fireworks from our roof. But Thursday, morning we had an unexpected treat. We found out that a family friends home up near Mendocino at The Sea Ranch was free. I was so happy that she said we could use it, so we packed up the car and drove up that night for a few days of relaxing!
I’ve been coming up here with my family since I was a child, so there are lots of great memories. There are miles and miles of hiking trails along the ocean, and lots of beautiful beaches to walk.
The house is a is a beautiful modern home on a cliff overlooking the sea. It’s extremely relaxing and somehow we seem to just sleep, watch movies, cook and grill and go for long slow walks and talk. It’s truly one of my favorite places.